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PoolHelper Methods

The PoolHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberDespawn(Object)
Despawns an instance and marks it for reuse.
Public methodStatic memberDespawn(Object, Single, Boolean)
Despawns an instance after a delay.
Public methodStatic memberGetFreeCount
Gets the amount of free instances in the pool for the specified prefab.
Public methodStatic memberGetPool
Gets or creates the pool for the given prefab.
Public methodStatic memberGetPrefab(Object)
Gets the prefab that was used to spawn instance.
Public methodStatic memberGetPrefabT(T)
Gets the prefab that was used to spawn instance.
Public methodStatic memberSpawnT(T)
Spawns a recycled object if there's one available, otherwise creates a new instance.
Public methodStatic memberSpawnT(T, Transform)
Spawns a recycled object if there's one available, otherwise creates a new instance.
Public methodStatic memberSpawnT(T, Vector3)
Spawns a recycled object if there's one available, otherwise creates a new instance.
Public methodStatic memberSpawnT(T, Vector3, Quaternion)
Spawns a recycled object if there's one available, otherwise creates a new instance.
Public methodStatic memberSpawnT(T, Vector3, Quaternion, Transform)
Spawns a recycled object if there's one available, otherwise creates a new instance.
See Also