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BetterCoroutinesExtensions Methods

The BetterCoroutinesExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberStartBetterCoroutine(Object, IEnumerator, UpdateLoop)
Starts a new coroutine.
Public methodStatic memberStartBetterCoroutine(Object, IEnumerator, Int32)
Starts a new coroutine.
Public methodStatic memberStartBetterCoroutineLinked(GameObject, IEnumerator, UpdateLoop)
Starts a new coroutine with its lifetime linked to this gameobject. The coroutine will be stopped when the linked gameobject is disabled or destroyed.
Public methodStatic memberStartBetterCoroutineLinked(GameObject, IEnumerator, Int32)
Starts a new coroutine with its lifetime linked to this gameobject. The coroutine will be stopped when the linked gameobject is disabled or destroyed.
Public methodStatic memberStartBetterCoroutineLinked(MonoBehaviour, IEnumerator, UpdateLoop)
Starts a new coroutine with its lifetime linked to this component. The coroutine will be stopped when the linked component is disabled or destroyed.
Public methodStatic memberStartBetterCoroutineLinked(MonoBehaviour, IEnumerator, Int32)
Starts a new coroutine with its lifetime linked to this component. The coroutine will be stopped when the linked component is disabled or destroyed.
Public methodStatic memberStopBetterCoroutine
Stops a running coroutine prematurely. This will stop any child coroutines as well.
See Also